How it works

Wider Community

The young person is welcomed into Baca's supportive and empowering community and are encouraged to build safe connections with the wider community.

Days 1-2

Focus: Fostering a family environment 

The young person is introduced to the other young people in their Baca home, their residential support worker, and other members of the Baca team. This initial welcome involves spending time together and giving the young person space to feel comfortable and secure in Baca’s family-like environment. 

The comfort and security of Baca homes reduces the likelihood of young people running away from care.

Weeks 1-2

Focus: Building positive friendships and trust in adults 

The young person further integrates into the Baca community through attending lessons at Baca College, participating in weekly hangout sessions and joining Friday night dinners at other Baca houses. This communal aspect of Baca nurtures their sense of belonging, increasing their confidence and trust in the adults around them.  

The young person is shown places of worship in the local community if they desire.

Months 1-4

Focus: Building relationships and connecting with wider communities. 

In the Baca community house meetings encourage shared meals and open discussions. They provide a platform for addressing any frustrations within the house and empower the young person to use and develop conflict resolution skills.  

The young person is also connected with the different communities they require, including local communities with people from their home culture. They are further linked with relevant places of worship and the communities there.


Focus: Increased cultural awareness and social engagement 

The young person is provided with opportunities to access community-based projects and clubs, such as local arts and youth clubs. They are also linked with local sports clubs like football, cricket, boxing, and athletics. This allows them to connect with young people from their country of origin and fosters connections with the local community, while improving their English language skills.  

All young people are invited to Baca's annual celebration events where their achievements are recognised and celebrated. Certificates are awarded for attendance and accomplishments in various workshops and Baca College achievements. These events celebrate the diverse cultures of the young people and encourage them to prepare and share dishes from their homeland, allowing them to reconnect with their culture of origin and experience the diversity of cultures within the UK.

Move to Independence

As the young person progresses towards independence, we actively support their development through our care leavers project, always with the reassurance that the Baca family community is ready to provide assistance whenever needed. 

Our young people continue to be invited to celebration events. Many of our care leavers become valuable community contacts for new arrivals at Baca, extending a welcoming hand to newcomers and sharing their own experiences.

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Last year 85% of our young people who are approaching independent living had improved their external social engagement.