How it works

Family Tracing

When the person first arrives, starting family tracing is a priority. Our approach focuses on ascertaining family connections, ensuring safety, and offering support in reuniting young people with their families when appropriate.

Days 1-2

Focus: Ascertain family location 

Upon arrival, we gather information about the young person's family connections, both in the UK and overseas, recording any details shared about family members and their whereabouts. 

Weeks 1-2

Focus: Contact family for safety 

After a risk assessment, if appropriate, we inquire whether the young person wishes to contact their family to assure them of their safety. We facilitate conversations, possibly with an interpreter, to convey the message that the young person is secure, with the hope that family members can provide reassurance and encouragement. 

Months 1-4 & Semi-Independence

Focus: Linking to family tracing 

If the young person desires to trace missing family members, we work with the Red Cross family tracing service. We arrange appointments and provide support during the necessary meetings to help the young person in this process. 

When the young person first arrives we find out if they have family connections, either in the UK or overseas.